Studio Phone: 1-855-961-0961
Email: [email protected]
Don’t miss the “Celebrity 60” @ 8:45am and “Tell Me Something Good @ 6:45am EVERY Morning
Monday: Weekend News You Missed (7:45am)
Tuesday: Rachel’s Mom Rant (7:45am)
Wednesday: What’s Up With That Wednesday (7:45am)
Wet Nose Wednesday (8:15am)
Thursday: The Buzz with ABC 12’s Matt Barbour (7:45am)
Friday: Friday Free for All Dance Party (7:05am)
Your Weekend Planner (7:45am)
Catch me as a guest on ABC-12 with Matt Barbour on Friday mornings around 9am!

About Me
I was born in Bay City and raised right here in Saginaw. When I turned 18, I was ready for new adventures and ended up at Concordia University in Chicago where I played basketball and did an internship in television. (Took one radio class!) I’ve been on the air back here ever since I graduated along the way doing other radio jobs like: working at the front desk, filing in the business department, and doing promotions. Somehow, I convinced my Flushing, MI raised hubby JR, to make the big move to Saginaw where we now reside with our 2 boys, Arlo and Miles. Hobbies? That’s funny! I’m a mom and a home owner. Those ARE my hobbies. Finding deals and shopping…. are those hobbies? Making last minute school projects with a glue gun. Yep. I do that too. Also, I’m addicted to HGTV and Hallmark Channel when the kids let me watch it, royal watching and Outlander. Pre–kid hobbies included: reading, running, and gardening. Life is a constant struggle for balance and I have just recently realized that I may just have to settle for coffee and wine.