Category Archives: Uncategorized

I Remember My First Coke

I Remember My First Coke

Actually I don’t remember my first sip of Coke, but I do know I have been drinking it as long as I can remember! This little girls reaction after sipping a Coke for the first time from McDonald’s is priceless! There might not have been enough fountain syrup in that.MORE

Weather Man Dissed By His Own Son

Weather Man Dissed By His Own Son

Rule one of life TV. Don’t put your teenage son on camera if he is in a bad mood! Here is a reporter talking about fireworks for the 4th of July, and I’m guessing his son not only DIDN’T want to be there, but was the only other person around.MORE

Man Hit By A Bus, Immediately Gets Up For A Beer

Man Hit By A Bus, Immediately Gets Up For A Beer

There are those days that get so bad, nothing will stop you from cutting loose and getting a drink. Not even a BUS HITTING YOU! This video is crazy! The video didn’t state where this happened, but what we do know is this guy was just walking to the pub, minding his own business when…MORE

Worst Behaving Dog Breeds

A new survey by Pets at Home reveals that 66% of pet owners say their dog has eaten something they shouldn’t have, check out this list of the worst behaving dogs. – Top 10 Worst Behaved Dog Breeds 1. Labrador 2. Jack Russell 3. Cocker Spaniel 4. Staffordshire Bull Terrier 5. Border Collie 6. Golden…MORE

Leaf Blower Kid

Leaf Blower Kid

If you have ever picked up a leaf blower and used it, you have been in this situation. Or… Maybe not. Either way this kid was having some fun!MORE

Terror at Six Flags

Terror at Six Flags

There is terrifying footage from Six Flags in New York of a woman falling from 25 feet in the air! She is a 14 year old girl, and there is no explanation as to why or what happened that put her in the situation she was in. The good news is she is all right,…MORE

Songs of Summer Weekend!

Bringing back memories of summer’s past!   At My 961, we’re underway with the 96 Days of Summer and it’s a  Songs of Summer Weekend!   Remembering the great songs that hit the Billboard charts in the summer months of June, July and August. Summer is here….and so are the Songs of Summer!     Listen all weekend! The Songs…MORE

Baby Orangutan Tries To Escapes From Mom

Baby Orangutan Tries To Escapes From Mom

If you are a parent, you will be able to relate to this video! Turns out Orangutans are not much different! This little baby is trying to go back to playing, but mom has other plans. So the baby does all it can to escape, but in the end….. mom wins!MORE

It’s A Rattlesnake, Not A Dog Toy

It’s A Rattlesnake, Not A Dog Toy

This is just a quick video, but still a good lesson on picking things up in the dark. And the lesson is DON’T! She thinks she is picking up a dog toy, when it really is a rattlesnake. The good news is she was not bit by it.  MORE
