Category Archives: Uncategorized

Most Basketball Bounces World Record!

Most Basketball Bounces World Record!

You might think an NBA star would stet a world record like this, but you would be wrong. A man from the Netherlands just set the Guinness World Record for basket ball bounces with 609 bounces in 60 seconds. The previous record was 444.MORE

Tricycle Powered By A Leaf Blower

Tricycle Powered By A Leaf Blower

Seems like more and more adults are using leaf blowers for everything but blowing leafs. Here is a dad who wanted to put a little more power in his son’s tricycle ride!MORE

Trying To Speak Without A Southern Accent

Trying To Speak Without A Southern Accent

A wife is filming her husband as he attempts to speak without his southern accent. I’m guessing she is not from the south because she does not have a southern accent. He struggles pretty bad.MORE

Is This The Worst Version of The National Anthem?

Is This The Worst Version of The National Anthem?

Welcome to the Summit County Fair in Utah. Where the beer is cold and the demolition derbies are hot! It kind of sound like this version of the National Anthem was sponsored by Budweiser. The fair actually had to send out an apology afterwords because it was so bad.MORE

Dog Refuses To Leave The Park

Dog Refuses To Leave The Park

If you are always taking your dog to the park, you have had a day like this. This dog just didn’t want to leave the park. The owner was pretty brave with so many people to just take the collar off and walk away, but it worked!MORE

Win Great Lakes Loons tickets every Wednesday

Every Wednesday thru the baseball season, be sure to wake up with My Mornings hosted by Rachel & Will and win your free Great Lakes Loons tickets!  Each and every Wednesday, the voice of the Loons, Chris Vosters, and Loons Promotions Manager Matt Devries, stop by for a visit with Rachel & Will to discuss…MORE

Ticket Window Wednesday: Tigers Tickets and Free Gas

How about going to see our Detroit Tigers at Comerica Park on Memorial Day Weekend? We have a pair of box seat tickets for the game this Saturday vs. the Chicago White Sox. Plus, My 96.1 will take care of your gas with a $25 Shell gas card!  To enter to win, anytime Wednesday May 23rd, text TIGERS…MORE

Will Is Cashing In His Whopping Walt Disney Stock!

Will Is Cashing In His Whopping Walt Disney Stock!

Yesterday in the mail I got excited to see 2 letters in mail for “The Walt Disney Company”! My mother and stepfather bought my brother and me stock in Disney the year he was born. So this was back in 1995. I have heard nothing from them in 22 years! Heck I even forgot I…MORE

Pogo Stick World Record

Pogo Stick World Record

Yes people still do use pogo sticks! As a matter of fact, this guy used one to set a new world record! This took place in London, and Nissan was very brave to allow this guy to attempt to jump over some brand new cars! All he needed to so was jump over 3 consecutive…MORE
