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James Corden As IT

James Corden As IT

He put a pretty funny spin of your offices “I.T.” department.MORE

83 Year Old Man Throws Trespasser Of His Roof

83 Year Old Man Throws Trespasser Of His Roof

In L.A; County police were called about a man jumping from roof to roof. He eventually stopped jumping and just refused to leave one roof. That was a bad move. The 83 year old man was got tired of this guy on his roof after about 5 hours. So he went up there and threw…MORE

Sponge Your Enthusiasm

Sponge Your Enthusiasm

Rachel is a huge fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm and Will is a huge fan of Sponge Bob Square Pants, so this video seemed pretty appropriate.MORE

117MPH Winds From Hurricane Irma

117MPH Winds From Hurricane Irma

A storm chaser from Florida wanted to measure how powerful Hurricane Irma’s winds were. Turned out to be 117/MPH and he struggled just to keep standing.MORE

Woman Removes Handcuffs And Steals Police Car

Woman Removes Handcuffs And Steals Police Car

Police in Texas released this video of a woman who was arrested for shoplifting. When they put her in the back seat she slipped off her handcuffs and stole the police car!MORE

Weatherman Passes Gas On Camera

Weatherman Passes Gas On Camera

Even if you everyday talk about and report the weather, you will never be able to control Mother Nature. So when nature calls, you answer! This guy just couldn’t hold a minute longer, and thanks to the magic of TV these days, they could rewind it and play it back all day long!MORE

Chris Evens Reunites With His Dog

Chris Evens Reunites With His Dog

Dogs are the only animals that go crazy when they see you after you have been gone. It’s not different for stars. Chris Evens (Captain America) was off doing a film for 10 weeks. This is the video of him reuniting with his dog!MORE

Hurricane Harvey Flooding Timelapse

Hurricane Harvey Flooding Timelapse

This is a really good example of the insane amount of rain Houston got. The crazy part is that it all tell at night. So people fell asleep to just rain and woke up to being under water.MORE

Woman Falls In Fountain Posing For A Drone

Woman Falls In Fountain Posing For A Drone

It is pretty common these days to see things from security cameras like people walking into poles, or falling into fountains all while they text. I have to say this is the first time I have every seen someone fall in a fountain because they were posing for a drone! Some tourists in France rented…MORE


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