Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ticket Window Wednesday – BOSTYX

Ticket Window Wednesday – BOSTYX

My 96.1 is proud to help welcome BOSTYX, the Tribute Band to Boston and Styx, to the Temple Theatre’s 90th Birthday Bash  on Friday April 20th! And we have your free tickets all day Wednesday on a “Ticket Window Wednesday”! Listen to win starting with Rachel & Will during My Mornings and then all day…MORE

Listen at Work Month

The month of April is Listen at Work Month: My 96.1 is declaring April “Listen at Work Month”! And we’re going to celebrate by dropping off free lunch to offices that listen to My 96.1! We’ll deliver it right to your workplace! Be sure to sign up your office for lunch! Every weekday in April, we’ll…MORE

Shopping with Rachel

B's Boutique: Memorial Items It's Memorial Day at B's Boutique and they've got products to help you celebrate the life of a loved one. Posted by My 96.1 – WHNN on Thursday, May 24, 2018 We Love Michigan! Are you a proud Michigander? Check out the selection of Michigan products at B's Boutique in Bay…MORE

MidPaCo giveaway

<script src=’’></script><p><contest config=’eyJjb250ZXN0SWQiOiI4V1dNT0UiLCJjb250ZXN0T3JpZ2luIjoiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5kaWdpdGFsaXZ5LmNvbS8iLCJjb250ZXN0SGVpZ2h0IjoiMTAwMCIsImNvbnRlc3RXaWR0aCI6IjEwMCUiLCJhcGlVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL2FwaS5kaWdpdGFsaXZ5LmNvbS92MSIsImFjY2Vzc1Rva2VuIjoiQjNCQTZDMjQxMjc3ODI0NTY5MDJCMTY4MUQ5RkFFMDY3NTVEOUUxRCIsIm9yZ0lkIjoiOWNjMWRmYWQtYzEzYS00MTkyLTg4ZmQtNTZmNzRlNjE5YTEwIn0=’></contest></p>MORE

Taylor Swift ticket giveaway

My 96.1 is ready to send you to see Taylor Swift at Ford Field in Detroit on Tuesday August 28th! Listen now thru Friday for daily chances to win your free tickets. Each day, My 96.1 will announce a winning Concert Code!   You listen, you hear it, then you text the Concert Code to 68683! Instantly…MORE

Classic TV Bracket

You have a chance to play along with our Classic TV Bracket.  We have selected 32 of the best TV sit-coms of all time (we know it’s subjective, but we think we’ve come up with 32 of the all time best!) Starting Thursday, March 15th, the bracket will be open for your votes. You pick…MORE

Spring Ahead and Throwback with My 96 1

The Spring Ahead, Throwback Weekend  Time change is this weekend!   Remember to set your clocks ahead 1 hour Saturday night before going to bed.   So we do lose an hour of sleep.   But here’s the good news…it gives us a reason to do some time traveling ourselves!   So My 96 1 presents a Spring Ahead-Throwback Weekend! …MORE

Winner of the Think Spring, It’s a Burt Thing Flyaway

My 96.1 congratulates James Tromba of Bay City! On Saturday March 3rd, he was drawn in a reverse raffle as the big winner of the “Think Spring, It’s a Burt Thing Flyaway”. We were thinking somewhere warm and tropical, but James tells us that he plans to use the $3,000 travel voucher towards a family vacation…MORE
