96 1 WHNN is going totally retro this weekend! We’re gonna fire up the time machine and punch in the year 1980 thru the year 1999. It’s an 80’s and 90’s Retro Weekend and it’s sponsored by Begick Nursery & Garden Center in Bay City! Text the word RETRO anytime this weekend to 68683 to enter to win a $100 Begick Nursery gift card! Again, text RETRO, R-E-T-R-O to 68683. Messaging rates apply. BEGICK’S SELECTION OF FINE PATIO FURNITURE IS THE ULTIMATE IN COMFORT AND VALUE. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AND HAVE IT IN TIME FOR SPRING! SEE PATIO FURNITURE EXAMPLES AT BEGICKNURSERY.COM. And be sure to stay tuned all weekend for the best of Retro Radio! Thanks to Begick Nursery & Garden Center and 96 1 WHNN!
CLICK HERE for contest rules.