Summer Splash giveaway with Northwoods!

Ready to make a big splash this summer?   My 96 1 and Northwoods Wholesale Outlet are ready to put you in the water…with a brand new kayak!   Listen weekdays June 18 thru June 29!  Every morning, Rachel & Will will announce the hour that you’ll need to listen to win.  Then in that hour, listen for the “Summer Splash cue to call”.    When you hear it, be caller #10 and you’ll win a beautiful new Bush 9′ kayak..along with a kayak paddle and lifejacket all from Northwoods Wholesale Outlet in Pinconning.   Say THANK YOU to Marty when you pick up your free kayak.  So listen to win your brand new kayak…. And make a splash…with My 96 1’s Summer Splash

For official contest rules click here:Summer-Splash-2017-Kayak-contest-rules1 

Here is a Map to Northwoods Wholesale Outlet:
